All current Vacancies are listed on the right. To apply for one or more of the vacancies, please contact Greg Dean with your details, quoting the job reference number and position in which you are interested.

Why not register with us today using our registration form?

Euro-Pacific Aviation currently holds several contracts with major airlines and is actively seeking more aircrew to provide to our clients.

There is an ongoing requirement to find qualified Captains and First Officers to join these airlines as a contract pilot on excellent terms and conditions.

The Job Opportunities list contains the list of positions currently being actively worked on.

However this does not list all of the contracts currently held by Euro-Pacific or all of the positions on which our consultants are working. Therefore, we would be pleased to receive a registration from any pilot interested in contract work as we can then keep them informed of any new opportunities as they occur.

Euro-Pacific Aviation is committed to supporting both our airline clients and professional pilots by using our extensive network of contacts built up over the past 15 years.




Updated 18 November 2019





Vietnam Airlines


ATR72   (Captain)






Hanoi or HCM Base


Captain Candidates should have been operating on type within 12 months.


FO Candidates should be currently operating on type.


Must be under 58 for men and under 53 for women.  Retirement age is 65 for men and 60 for women.

Standard rotation is 6 weeks on / 2 weeks off although other rotations are possible.  Tickets provided on Vietnam Airlines network for the 2 weeks off.







Copyright Euro Pacific Aviation 2004. For more information email